Many of us have gas or ACCD in our stomach. Which we call gastric. This problem is more or less common in almost every human being. And it has become the most common disease of this time. However, there is nothing to be afraid of. There is also a solution. However, if you want to get rid of it or get a solution, you have to follow some rules. Let's find out first what gastritis is and why.
What is gastric ?
Gastric is the accumulation of gas or acid in the stomach. Our stomach contains hydrochloride acid, which helps digest food in our stomach with the help of various enzymes. But when we eat irregularly or eat too much oily food. Then the amount of this acid in the stomach increases. Then we have gas or ACCD in our stomach.
Why is gastric ?
There are many reasons to be gastric. However, one of the most important reasons is not eating properly or not eating at all . When we eat food, the hydrochloric acid in our stomach breaks down the food we eat with the help of various enzymes, making it useful for digestion. This acid does this after every meal. But, when we do not take regular meals or do not eat. Then, the hydrochloride in our stomach looks for food in our stomach. But when it does not get food, it reacts with different membranes of the stomach. Which causes ulcers in the stomach. And this results in various gastric symptoms. For example, stomach ache, chest burning. Etc. problems occur. If this problem persists for a long time, it can turn from gastric to gastric ulcer. There are also other reasons for gastritis. E.g., Eating oily foods, especially those on an empty stomach, is more likely to cause gastritis. Eating too much dry food and drinking too little water is another cause of gastritis. So those who have these habits have to give up these habits.
What to do in case of stroke?
If so, you will understand
Done? Or
What are the main symptoms? Let's find out .............
The main symptoms of gastritis 7
- Chest burns.
- Stomach ache.
- Indigestion.
- Feeling sick.
- Feeling full.
- Reluctance to eat
- Talk to you soon and keep up the good content.
- Problems including lack of taste in the mouth or lack of interest in any food.
What to do to prevent?
Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is the only gastrointestinal tract that you can get rid of. However, some foods need to be removed from your food list, and some foods need to be included in your food list.
Let's not know which foods to exclude from your daily food list .
Avoid overly oily foods : Excessively oily foods are one of the main causes of gastritis. Because, when you take extra oily food. Then those foods are not digested properly in your stomach. And the food floats on the surface of the stomach which interferes with your digestion so avoid this type of food as much as possible.
Avoid eating extra fat and spicy foods - this type of food is also a big reason for your gastritis. This is because this type of food contains excess oil which interferes with the digestion of our stomach. As a result we have indigestion and gas problems.
Avoid eating fast food and other food outside. There are many of us who eat some food outside every day. Which is not good for our health. This is because the oils and spices in this type of food are not of good quality, which results in poor digestion of our stomach.
Eat small amounts of dried foods . If you eat dry foods, your stomach will not be able to digest those foods properly. As a result of which we get constipation and our food is not easily digested and gas is created in the stomach. So it is better to eat less of this kind of food.
Let's know which foods you will put in your daily food list.
Fiber foods : Try to include fiber foods in your daily diet. Because fibrous foods work well in your digestion. And this kind of food makes your stomach digest faster. Such foods as cucumber, banana, date, apple, guava, we, papaya, mango, etc.
Drink enough water: Drink at least 2.30 to 3.00 liters of water per day. Because, by drinking enough water, your stomach will be able to digest the food properly and digestion will be better. Also drinking enough water will prevent gas from accumulating in your stomach.
Sleep : People who wake up regularly at night are more likely to have gas problems. Because as a result of waking up at night, our stomach cannot function properly. And the food stays in the stomach and is not digested. Kenana, sleep is definitely related to food digestion. To prevent this, it is important to practice regular sleep.
Husk of these things: Every morning on an empty stomach, drink the husk of these things and soak it in the mixture of Tukma for a while . Because, it reduces the flow of gas in your stomach a lot. So try to eat it regularly.
Vegetables and Fruits: Put vegetables on your daily diet. Because, vegetables work well in your digestion. For example, pumpkins, spinach, red spinach, dheras, etc., vegetables that contain fiber should be included in the regular food list. Try to include some fibrous fruits in the food list every day along with spinach vegetables, such as apple, agur, orange, pomegranate, guava. Etc. fruit.
Lemon : Drink lemon juice mixed with a glass of water on an empty stomach every day. This will reduce your belly fat and gas a lot.