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What is erectile dysfunction? What to do in erectile dysfunction?

What is erectile dysfunction? What to do in erectile dysfunction?
What is erectile dysfunction? What to do in erectile dysfunction?

Prerequisite for sexual intercourse is the emergence of the male sex. But many times it is seen that there is not enough erection of male sex before intercourse. Or even if someone re-emerges, it doesn't last long. As a result, full sexual intercourse is not possible. This is called erectile dysfunction.
However, the occasional problem with a man's penis does not necessarily mean that he is suffering from erectile dysfunction. 

These are merely isolated incidents. But it is only when a man is constantly facing this problem that he becomes the cause of a frown. As a result, they break down emotionally, exhaustion engulfs them, they suffer from a lack of confidence, and their marital relationship is at risk. Other physical problems can play a role in the erection of the penis or  inability to hold it, especially the side effects of heart disease.

Symptoms of erectile dysfunction
A person suffering from erectile dysfunction can be said to have the following problems regularly:

  • Inability to produce sex;
  • Inability to hold the erection of the penis;
  • Decreased sexual desire or never aroused desire.

There may be some rare symptoms; Image Source: Very Well Health
Other symptoms may include:

  • Rapid ejaculation;
  • Delayed ejaculation;
  • Low levels of testosterone or male sex hormones;
  • Anorexia nervosa, that is, failure to have an orgasm despite adequate arousal.
When to seek medical attention
If you think you have erectile dysfunction, you should seek medical help immediately. And in that case, it is not a fake doctor or a herbalist with flashy advertisements, but a well-qualified doctor. However, since many are reluctant to go to the doctor because of embarrassment, they can first personally check to see if they have the following problems:
  • Are you not satisfied with the erection or stagnation of sex?
  • Are you ejaculating fast or late?
  • Do you have diabetes, heart disease or any other physical problem?
If the answer to all three of these questions, or any two or one of them, is 'yes', then you should seek medical attention immediately. Treatment of erectile dysfunction by a urologist or endocrinologist. It is better to go to the doctor, but it is better to seek the advice of a family doctor or a doctor who can share all the problems without any hesitation.

Why is erectile dysfunction?
The emergence of male sex is mainly related to sexual arousal. And men's sexual arousal is a very complex process, which is directly connected to their brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and circulatory system. Erectile dysfunction is a problem or abnormality of any one of these May have been due. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by stress, depression or other mental problems, or can be more severe.

Sometimes erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and mental factors. For example, a minor physical problem may have temporarily reduced your level of sexual arousal. But you became so worried about it that it made it even harder for your penis to erupt later. In this way, the level of erectile dysfunction was multiplied by adding mental problems to physical problems.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction can occur due to various physical problems. Notable among them are:
  • Heart disease;
  • Narrowing of blood vessels (atherosclerosis);
  • High cholesterol;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Obesity;
  • Metabolic syndrome - a physical condition in which high blood pressure, high levels of insulin, excess fat near the waist and high cholesterol occur together;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Peroni's disease - the growth of scar tissue inside the penis;
  • Prostate cancer;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Injuries to the pelvic area or spine.
Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
The brain plays the most important role behind the emergence of the penis. It is through the signals received from the brain that a man begins to feel sexual arousal in his body, various physical changes take place in him, and in the final stage his penis emerges. But if the brain is not normal, it has an effect Erection of the penis, resulting in erectile dysfunction. Notable causes of brain abnormalities include:
  • Fatigue, anxiety and other mental problems;
  • Stress;
  • Inattention;
  • Stress caused by relationship deterioration or inconsistency;
  • Lack of confidence;
  • Fear.

Risk factor
It is not uncommon for a man's sexual ability to decrease with age. As a result, the penis does not ejaculate as easily as a middle-aged or older man at a young age, nor is the penis too hard. Then you have to keep the penis erect and hard by touching it repeatedly.

Ways to increase sex in a natural way
But nowadays the age is around twenty or thirty Many are suffering from erectile dysfunction as soon as they arrive. There are a number of risk factors behind this, such as:
  • Various medical conditions, especially diabetes or heart disease;
  • Tobacco use, which blocks blood flow in blood vessels or arteries, results in various chronic physical complications over time, which can lead to erectile dysfunction;
  • Being overweight, especially obese;
  • In the treatment of certain diseases, such as prostate surgery or radiation treatment for cancer;
  • Any injury or trauma, especially if it affects the nerves or arteries that control the erection;
  • Using certain medications, such as antidepressants, antihistamines or medications for high blood pressure, pain or prostate problems;
  • Different mental states, such as anxiety, stress, distraction or depression;
  • Drug addiction, especially if someone has been intoxicated for a long time or has consumed excessive alcohol.
Emerging complications
Erectile dysfunction can lead to various complications. Such as:
  • Dissatisfied sex life;
  • Deterioration of relationship with partner;
  • Increased stress or anxiety;
  • Losing faith in oneself;
  • Not being able to conceive a partner.
Treatment: Seek the advice of a dermatologist for your problem.

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