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How to understand calcium deficiency?

How to understand calcium deficiency?
How to understand calcium deficiency?

The serious effects of calcium deficiency on our body or the symptoms we see are: -

i) Leg cramps:
If you feel cramps in your legs, it is the first sign of calcium deficiency. To remedy this you need to make sure that you have enough calcium in your daily diet. In addition, the Cleveland Clinic says that stretching your legs before bed will reduce the pain. Do you believe it? If not, give it a try!

ii) Tooth cavity: Are tooth cavities
increasing more than before? Don't just blame sweets. When our body doesn't get enough calcium from food, it looks for other sources, such as our teeth. 

iii) Numbness: Due to lack of calcium like spasms in the legs, the spinal nerves of our hands get damaged. If you feel restlessness or a tingling sensation on the eyelids, check the amount of calcium immediately.

iv) Fragile
nails: Like nails and body nails also contain calcium. Therefore, a calcium-starving body will take calcium from there for nutrition. This causes our nails to become brittle unless we take in more calcium.

v) Sleep Disorders
: According to medical data, calcium helps in the production of serotonin, which is responsible for sleep. When you go to deep sleep, your calcium levels rise. So if you are sleepless at night then your body will be deficient in calcium.

vi) Poor posture:
Low calcium means weak bones and weak bones mean a weak body. Your body will become numb to this weakness. This awkward posture will increase back and shoulder pain.

vii) Heart attack:
National Center for Biotechnology says that calcium requires muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release. So calcium deficiency can lead to a heart attack.

viii) Memory Loss:
Where Can't Remote Remember? Calcium deficiency

How to understand calcium deficiency?

There are nervous symptoms of getting out, such as memory loss and forgetfulness.

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